Wednesday, March 26, 2014

4 Month update.

Well yesterday made it 4 months since my Tummy Tuck. 
Overall I am feeling pretty darn amazing. 
Things can only improve from here :)

My tummy is still totally flat. I am surprised at how quickly I have forgotten what it was like having a massive overhang. I am still a little bit numb around my scar and just bellow my belly button. I'm not sure how long it will take to get back feeling, or if it ever will! 

Last check up with Dr Anderson went well and super fast. She took the after shots and told me I need to start working out! (I'll come back to workouts)
Muscles are fully together. Only concern is my scar looks like it is starting to keloid :S it actually runs in my family so I wasn't surprised. She gave me samples for a silicone cream called Strataderm. It is supposed to heal it faster, take away redness, pain and itching that comes with healing scars. I felt the slight tenderness I did have, leave right away so decided to get a tube. $150 later for a 50g tube!!! Totally worth it tho. I can see it fading and getting flatter already! 

Ok working out. I'm back at Ballet, and LOVING IT!! I have even put the old point shoes back on. I am also getting up at 6am to get an hr of anything I can in before the boys wake up. I have literally had to start from the beginning. I have had to re train my body into using my tumm muscles instead of my back. This is actually harder then you think. All my focus has to go into activating my core before doing anything.
I couldn't do a crunch!!! Joshua had to help me. As I said, way, way at the beginning! Now I can do 10 full sit ups :)
Only 10? It's hard work ok! 
Nah it's slow going. If I over do it I get a massive sharp pain on my left, by my belly button. Apparently this is due to nerves that are not yet fully healed. If I get this pain, I am out for a week at least. I'm trying not to over do it, but once I get in the mood it's hard to stop. 

So here they are. My 4 month pics. Just letting you know I am in my underware!!

Scar is mostly below my knicker line.


Side shots

Scar close ups. Belly button! I love it! It's so teeny tiny and perfect. Most of the scarring has faded too. 

Left side. This side looks the reddest.

Right side. This is the side that gives me the most issues. About the last 2 inches itch and sometimes I get a sharp pain. It also can irritate and raise up a bit. It's heaps better with the cream tho.

So as I said, I'm really happy with the results. And I also say this every post, I would totally do it again. Seriously worth it. 

Only issue I have ( I know there has to be a BUT) MUFFIN TOP! Ew I hate it! 

It's like it doesn't fit my body shape. This sounds totally vain, but I don't really care.

So I worked really hard and got to my pre  wedding weight! 18kg gone so I could be thin for this surgery. Well due to not being able to do a lot post surgery, of course some weight was put back on. 4kg to be exact. Yes I'm counting. But it seems to have all gone back to my muffin top! :( it's all fat too. 
It's hard to explain but I stand side on and have a flat tummy, then front on I have massive overhang again... Of the hips! 

I'll show you

Side on. Looks pretty good hey. But wait for it.... 

Over hanging giant muffin top. And no it's not just the jeans. It is like this with whatever I wear. It's like I have the mummy apron all over again just on my hips. I really, really hate it. 

See all fat! 


I would gladly live with a muffin over no core strength. As much as I can't stand the sight of it. 

I will do what I can to get rid of it tho. No pain no gain right! Or in this case, loss. 


  1. I have a muffin top from my tummy tuck and it's because we don't (can't) put on weight below the scar line because that's where they took all the fat from when they flatten out the tummy after the muscles are stitched back together. It does get better with time as does the pain issues along the nerves (having said that, I do get caught out with sudden tearing or sharp pain from time to time. I tend to go... Just add it to the list). It's still early days for you, so be gentle with yourself and you can do crunches without doing full sit-ups all the time, just do little mini sit-ups as you pull your tummy muscles in. It's good to know that cream works, I keloid scar too! But Palmer's oil worked well for me.

  2. Wow! The results must be really amazing. I can tell how happy you are from your post. You look great, by the way. I guess the next step now is to tone your tummy better. I do hope Joshua helps you with the routines needed for you to achieve the tummy you've always wanted. Good luck! :)

    Byron Brewer @ Knight and Sanders
